M’Dor L’Dor

Tikkun Olam

Community Builders


Sharing Responsibility


M’Dor L’Dor Tikkun Olam Community Builders Tzedakah Sharing Responsibility Care

Enriching lives, one heart at a time.

The Louis Brier Jewish Aged Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization providing funds to the Snider Campus for Jewish Seniors. Founded and operating on a commitment to outstanding care for the valued seniors of our community, the Foundation enhances the well-being, care, and happiness of all who live in the Louis Brier Home and the Weinberg Residence.

Areas of Impact

Resident Enrichment

Jewish Traditions & Culture

Research, Education
& Innovation

Help us make even more of an impact in our areas of focus. Make your gift today!

Ways to Give


To recognize the importance of our Donors we created The Gallery of Donor Wall in 2003 and established categories of giving allowing families to combine their total giving and share a plaque and move up higher on the wall.

Show your commitment to our seniors.

Tribute Cards

Tribute Gifts are a meaningful and thoughtful way to honour your family and friends while supporting the Louis Brier Home & Hospital and Weinberg Residence. You may choose to designate your gift to a specific fund or support core funding needs.

Adventures in Brierland

Adventures in Brierland are a series of short, snappy, and happy cartoon-like videos that focus on various aspects of life at the Louis Brier Home and Hospital. They encapsulate the joy that is evident in bringing Jewish values into the home. The videos feature Ayelet Cohen Weil, the Executive Director of the Louis Brier Foundation and her positive attitude and influence on daily life in her work-a-day world, which she affectionately calls Brierland.