Supporting Resident Enrichment and Care
Residents’ lives are enriched by a variety of programs and services funded through the Louis Brier Jewish Aged Foundation.
Vancouver Coastal Health provides basic funding for many services required in a seniors’ facility. We are fortunate to have a community of donors who recognize that life is not solely about a bed, food, and medicine.
With the support of our valued donors, the Foundation is able to fund many programs and services that enhance quality of life.
Be part of the Brier’s journey to excellence.

Research, Innovation &
Quality Improvement
The Research, Innovation & Quality Improvement Fund for the Louis Brier Foundation is dedicated to advancing crucial areas like Infection Prevention and Control, pivotal in maintaining our COVID-free status throughout the pandemic.
It supports advancements in Communications, Human Resources, Quality & Risk Management, ensuring rigorous standards and enhancing Staff Training and Education for optimal resident care and safety.
All of these services are funded by the Foundation.
Support the team that cares for our seniors.
Our chaplain, Rob Menes, has a broad background in spiritual care. Prior to joining the team at Louis Brier, Rob worked as the Executive Director at the Congregation Beth Shalom, in Pittsburgh, PA for four years, and prior to that as a Cantor for 15 years at the Temple Beth Shalom in Las Vegas, Nevada, and the Congregation Beth Shalom, Overland Park, Kansas.
His education includes a Bachelors Degree in Physics/Mathematics and a Masters Degree in Agricultural Engineering from Cornell University, and a Master of Sacred Music and Diploma of Hazzan from the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. He has been trained in Clinical Pastoral Education and has interned at Vancouver General Hospital in cardiac care.
Contact information:
Hazzan Rob Menes
Tel: +1 (604) 267-4661
Jewish Traditions & Culture
Jewish Traditions & Culture at the Louis Brier Foundation upholds cherished spiritual practices, including Kosher Food overseen by Mashgichim for adherence to Jewish dietary laws. Our Synagogue serves as a sacred space for worship, community, and cultural events, fostering spiritual connections and belonging.
Hazzan Rob Menes, our Chaplain, plays a pivotal role in enhancing spiritual well-being. With a background in pastoral care and leadership, he offers personalized counseling and companionship, ensuring residents access necessary services. As part of our interdisciplinary team, Hazzan Rob advocates for acceptance and faith, enriching holistic care at Louis Brier. His presence embodies our commitment to nurturing a supportive environment where residents find solace and spiritual fulfillment, complementing our dedication to preserving Jewish traditions and culture.
Your donations to the Louis Brier Jewish Aged Foundation make Kosher Food supervised by the Mashgichim , the Synagogue, Chaplaincy, and connection to Judaism and spirituality available for our residents.
Meet our Chaplain:
Hazzan Rob Menes
Help us continue bringining Jewish life and culture to our residents.